Unfinished Business

We talked a lot. Made plans about the future. Sometimes we talked about what it would be like if we got married, we would make love endlessly, have more than a dozen kids for the national boat rowing team, we would have our own place and I could work only if I wanted to – you would do all the house chores on Sunday oh, and you joked about wanting separate bedrooms because I was so messy (which was not happening!).

We also talked about what it would be like if we ended up marrying other people. Once, it came to what would happen if we ever met after we were both married to other people. I said, “If you are the man I know and love, nothing will come of it…” but you said, “I don’t know, I’d still like to take care of of unfinished business.”

I won’t lie, back then, it warmed my heart to hear that. Now I think, was it a sign? Is it OK for me to look the other way as you turn against everything I respect you for? Won’t this change the very essence of the man you are?

These are difficult questions, with answers hidden in the varying shades of gray between the black and white, answers lying outside the confines of the rational – answers we don’t need to waste time figuring out, because you and I… we will always be unfinished business!

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